Efforts to improve eye-foot coordination learning outcomes through the play approach method for students


  • Imam Muslimun Akbar Author Universitas Islam Kalimantan Banjarmasin


Play Approach Method, eye and foot coordination, Learning Outcomes


The purpose of this study was to improve the learning outcomes of eye and foot coordination through a play approach to students. This research was a class action research (PTK). The conduct of this research was based on observations that many student participants had low eye-foot coordination. In two cycles, with this cycle consisting of planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The research subjects were students totaling 36 people. Data collection techniques using tests and observations. Data analysis used descriptive qualitative techniques based on percentage qualitative analysis. The results of the analysis showed that using a play approach could improve learning outcomes of eye and foot coordination from pre-action to cycle I and cycle I to cycle II. From the results of the analysis obtained an increase in learning outcomes eye and foot coordination in cycle I which was declared complete reached 56% or as many as 20 students out of 36 students. An increase in learning outcomes for ankle coordination also occurred in cycle II with a percentage of 83% or as many as 36 students who were classified as Pass criteria with KKM 75 and 6 other students who were classified as Disqualified.


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