The effect of single punch ladder drill and double punch ladder drill on arm muscle strength
arm muscle strength, ladder drill single punch, ladder drill double punchAbstract
This study focused on improving the arm muscle strength of students in volleyball extracurricular activities at State Islamic Senior High School 4 Banjar. Initial observations revealed deficiencies in basic volleyball techniques, including serves that did not reach the opponent's side, inaccurate passing, and weak smashes. To address these issues, the researcher decided to test the effects of "ladder drill single punch" and "ladder drill double punch" exercises on arm muscle strength. The study used an experimental quantitative approach, with volleyball extracurricular students at MAN 4 Banjar as the research subjects. Data were analyzed using a paired t-test to compare changes in arm muscle strength before and after physical training. The results showed that the group undergoing "ladder drill double punch" recorded a significant increase of 26.13486%, while the "ladder drill single punch" group also recorded an increase of 23.13486%. These findings indicate that the addition of two punches per step in the "ladder drill" provides additional benefits in improving the arm muscle strength of volleyball students. In conclusion, there is a significant difference between the effects of "ladder drill single punch" and "ladder drill double punch" exercises on increasing arm muscle strength. The “ladder drill double punch” was shown to be more effective, providing valuable guidance for coaches and students in their efforts to improve volleyball skills.
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