The relationship between coordination and balance on the under passing volleyball skills of students in the sports coaching education program at ubhara jaya university


  • Ahmad Muchlisin Natas Pasaribu Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya


Relatioship, Eye-hand coordination, Balance, Underhand passing


This research aims to determine whether there is a relationship between eye-hand coordination and the underhand volleyball passing skills of students in the Sports Coaching Education program at Ubharajaya University. Additionally, it investigates whether there is a relationship between balance and the underhand volleyball passing skills of students in the Sports Coaching Education program at Ubharajaya University. Furthermore, it explores whether there is a combined relationship between eye-hand coordination and balance with the underhand volleyball passing skills of students in the Sports Coaching Education program at Ubharajaya University. This study employs a correlational method, with the population being students in the Sports Coaching Education program and a sample size of 15 individuals. The instruments used in this study include: a test of eye-hand coordination measured by a tennis ball throw and catch test, a balance test measured using the modified Bass Test of Dynamic, and an underhand passing test measured over 60 seconds. Data processing involves statistical techniques such as mean calculation, standard deviation calculation, T-score calculation, correlation calculation, and hypothesis testing. The results of the research indicate a significant relationship between eye-hand coordination and balance with the underhand volleyball passing skills of students in the Sports Coaching Education program at Ubharajaya University (4.26 > F Table 3.89). From this study, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between eye-hand coordination, balance, and underhand passing skills.


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