The combination of leg muscle strength, arm muscle strength and back muscle strength to the total weight of weight lifters in South Kalimantan
Muscle power relations, WeightliftingAbstract
The process of this research started with submitting proposals, seminars, arranging permits, and data collection for Vertical Jump leg muscle power, Push Up arm muscle strength, and Back Up back muscle strength to statistical calculations using Microsoft Excel in analyzing data. After collecting data on the athlete's muscle strength through a strength test instrument, data from South Kalimantan weight lifters can be obtained. Then an analysis test was carried out using the normality test and homogeneity test. After testing, then a correlation test is carried out with a multiple correlation test which aims to determine the relationship between two or more independent variables with one dependent variable. So the results obtained between X1 and Y variable t-count (9.63) < t-table (1.68), it is concluded that variable X1 has a relationship with variable Y. The results of calculations between variable X2 and variable Y obtained t-count (1.475) < t-table (1.68), it was concluded that variable X2 was not related to variable Y. The results of calculating the variable X1 with the variable X2, the value of t-count (1.24) > t-table (1.68) can be stated that between X1 and X2 has a positive and significant correlation to variable Y.
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