Comparison Of Flexibility and Agility of Banjarmasin City Wrestling Athletes with Banjarbaru City Wrestling Athletes


  • Muhammad rezqi Rezqi Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari


Comparison 1, Flexibility 2, Agility 3


The process of carrying out this research, starting from submitting proposals, and seminars, arranging permits, taking data on the flexibility of sit and races, and agility of the Agility Cone or Compass Drill to statistical calculations using Microsoft Excel in analyzing data. After collecting data on the flexibility and agility of wrestling athletes through the Flexibility and Agility Test instruments, data on wrestling athletes from Banjarmasin and Banjarbaru can be obtained. Then the analysis requirements test was carried out using the normality test and homogeneity test. After testing the requirements are met, then testing the research hypothesis is carried out by conducting a two-way test or a two-party test by comparing the t-value obtained from the calculation with the t-value in the table. The results obtained by the t table and t calculation of flexibility and agility are -1.76 < 4.23 < 19.3 at a significant level of 0.05 so it can be concluded that there is a difference between the level of flexibility and agility of Banjarmasin City wrestling athletes and Banjarbaru city.


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