Efforts to improve throwing and catching skills through game modification media in small ball game activities


  • Muhammad Irfani Rahman Author Universitas Islam Kalimantan MAB Banjarmasin


Ability, Throw, Catch, Game


The ability to throw and catch requires mastery of the stages of movement in their entirety and uninterruptedly.
This ability can be mastered by children only because there is a lot of repetition or because of the culture and
everyday life of children in certain environments. Throwing and catching activities that have been carried out
during learning at school are often hampered because the game process is not going according to plan, including
students who fail to make throwing movements with the accuracy of the target, moreover, the ability to catch
their students is also often an obstacle. So, in this study, the researchers created a game that aims to improve
throwing and catching skills in small ball game activities through game modification. The type of research
conducted in this study was classroom action research, which was conducted in two cycles. The results showed
that there was an increase in cycle II, where in cycle I, 7 people, or 23.33%, completed the 30 people, compared
to 13 people, or 43.33%, who completed the throwing and catching. As a result, we can improve students' ability
to throw and catch the ball using game modification media. Therefore, the teacher wants to optimize the
application of the play approach as a support for learning to throw and catch the ball in the subject of physical
education, sports, and health.


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