Efforts to improve the throwing and catching skills of elementary school students by playing small ball games


  • Muhammad Author Uniska Mab


Throw, Catch, Play


There is a lack of value in learning to throw and catch, so this study aims to improve the throwing and catching
abilities of elementary school students using the playing method. The research method used is classroom action
research (PTK). consisting of cycles I and II. In order to obtain data for this study, a learning achievement test I
(in cycle I) and a learning achievement test II (in cycle II) were carried out using the wall pass instrument to
determine the ability to produce results in two meetings of throwing and catching. The results of the analysis of
the first cycle of learning tests obtained 12 people (52%) who had achieved learning mastery, while 13 people
(48%) had not reached the learning mastery level, with an average student score of 61.4. From the test results of
cycle II, it was found that 23 people (92%) had achieved learning completion, while 2 people (8%) had not
achieved learning completion. With an average of 80 student learning outcomes, it can be seen that there was an
increase in the average value of learning outcomes per cycle. It can be stated that the application of sports and
health physical education learning through the playing method has been shown to improve elementary school
students' ability to throw and catch.


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